The Entertainment Workshop

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Both a platform and showcase for the arts of the creative industry, the Arts Ludiques Museum also has an educational and cultural mission aided by partners including the French government’s Institut National Supérieur de l’Education Artistique et Culturelle (Inseac) and CNC (the National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image).

By showing works from productions it loves, the Arts Ludiques Museum will help open the minds of young people to the wonders of drawing, painting, sculpture, writing, music and new technology..

Discovering characters that they know in a museum will also help young adults to allow their artistic side to flourish, and make them realise that what they love is also art.

This realisation and confidence boost can change how they approach and appreciate everything related to videogames and animation, helping them to see it as an artistic and technological creation to which they can potentially contribute.

They’ll discover that there are indeed many job and career possibilities in the creative industries, in a diverse range of roles. This perspective can become a real motivation for young adults to apply themselvesto their studies in order to be able to find work in something they love, and this is particularly true for students who have lost motivation because they have poor grades or come from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Through its Entertainment Workshop, the Arts Ludiques Museum will develop introductory workshops with specific focuses on new sectors of the creative industry, workshops for children, primary and secondary school pupils, students and children with learning difficulties, and will help put young people looking for work experience or a job the Arts Ludiques Museum will develop introductory workshops with specific focuses on new sectors of the creative industry, workshops for children, primary and secondary school pupils, students and children with learning difficulties,and will help put young people looking for work experience or a job in touch with studios who are recruiting.

The Entertainment Workshop will also offer regular events bringing together artists and the general public, signing sessions and masterclasses, as well as professional meet-ups for French artists from the world of animation, comics, videogames and movie design, in order to build artistic links that will energise the productions of the French creative industries.






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